India: ‘Double Mutant’ Delta B.1.617 now most common coronavirus variant in India

Asia, B.1.617, Coronavirus, Delta, E484Q, Health, India, L452R, Mutation, Science, Transmission, Variants

The so-called double mutant coronavirus found in Maharashtra, India may be becoming the most prevalent among all mutant variants in India, genome sequencing data submitted by Indian scientists to a global database indicates, according to a recent analysis that takes into account when they were detected.  The double mutant virus – now classified as B.1.617 – was the most common in the samples sequenced in the 60 days prior to April 2 at 24%.

The variant was first detected on October 5 and was relatively obscure till it began popping up on increasing number of samples January onwards, the India situation report on showed. On April 1, it accounted for 80% of all analysed genome sequences of mutant variants sent by India to the global repository GISAID.

Hindustan Times report


Image by dat7 from Pixabay

** This post was originally published on April 16, 2021 **