Tag: sars=cov-2
Italy: 26 yr old woman in hospital in Milan after Astrazeneca coronavirus vaccination
A 26-year-old woman on April 13 was in fact hospitalized in a reserved prognosis at the Milan Polyclinic, after vaccination against Covid with AstraZeneca vaccine. More...
Two more dead in Hong Kong after getting Sinovac coronavirus vaccine
Two more people have died after getting the Sinovac Covid-19 jab, Hong Kong health authorities revealed on Saturday night
In total, six people have died locally after receiving the [Chinese] mainland-made Sinovac shots, although experts concluded there were no direct links to the jabs in the first two deaths and they were still looking into the other cases. More...
Little evidence of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in study of 12,500 health workers
Antibody Status and Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Care Workers
“A total of 12,541 health care workers participated and had anti-spike IgG measured; 11,364 were followed up after negative antibody results and 1265 after positive results, including 88 in whom seroconversion occurred during follow-up. More...