Italy: coronavirus lockdown extended for another month but schools REOPEN in red zones

B.1.1.7, Children, Coronavirus, Europe, Health, Italy, Long Covid, Mental Heath, Mutation, Treatment, Vaccine, Variants

Italy in lockdown for another month

Until April 30th no region or province can return to the yellow zone . There will be only red or orange areas

Kindergartens, elementary and middle school open also in the red zone after Easter.

The ban on movement between regions also extended. It will be possible to cross borders only for “proven needs”- reasons of work, health and urgency,

Bars and restaurants will remain closed – with only take-out and home delivery allowed

The new cases recorded yesterday in Italy were 23,839 with 380 deaths. report


Image by Samuele Schirò from Pixabay

** This post was originally published on March 27, 2021 **