Italy: Lung function impaired by BA.5 infection
Subjects hospitalized for Omicron BA.5 showed an altered endothelial function three months after the acute phase with an impairment of lung function.
This is what emerges from a study conducted by the Day Hospital unit of the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic Foundation in Rome on 658 patients, observing a direct correlation between the increased risk of endothelial dysfunction and the severity of the infection.
The research was presented at the International Conference on Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle Loss, held June 24-26 in Lisbon.
The endothelium, tissue of cells that line the internal walls of the heart and vessels, modulates platelet aggregation, coagulation processes, contributes to innate immunity, reduces inflammation, regulates vascular resistance, protects by antioxidants from the effect harmful to oxygen free radicals, it is therefore essential to preserve and improve its function.
The results of an experiment conducted by the Day Hospital unit of the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome were also presented: it was possible to evaluate the effects of L-arginine and liposomal vitamin C supplementation on functional parameters in adult subjects with long covid. It significantly improves walking performance, muscle strength and reduces the feeling of asthenia or fatigue.
ANSA.it article (in Italian)
Update 1 – 3rd July 2022 – Increases in cases of pneumonia that require assisted ventilation
The wave of infections due to BA.5 in Italy are increasing cases of pneumonia that require assisted ventilation.
The national president of the 118 Emergency Health Service in Italy, Mario Balzanelli, said to Ansa news, “we are starting to see things we no longer saw when the previous versions of Omicron spared the lower airways. We are starting to see pneumonia caused by Omicron BA.5 again, which manages to reach the pulmonary alveoli”.
Ilfattoquotidiano.it (in Italian)
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash