More than 200 children in the Czech Republic have been diagnosed with coronavirus related PIMS

Children, Coronavirus, Czech Republic, Europe, Health, Infection, MIS-C PIMS, Symptoms, Treatment

More than 200 children in the Czech Republic have been diagnosed with a rare condition that can occur several weeks after Covid-19, known as paediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome or PIMS-TS. If untreated,it can cause tissue damage, poor function of vital organs or potentially even death.

The PIMS-TS syndrome first appeared in the Czech Republic in the autumn during the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. According to the head of the paediatric clinic in Prague’s Motol hospital, Jan Lebl, most doctors had not previously encountered such a medical condition.

Full Radio Prague Intenational report


Image by nguyen nghia from Pixabay

** This post was originally published on March 19, 2021 **