Israel: 150 children treated for long Covid in one clinic, hundreds more on waiting list
“What’s interesting, is that in some of the children, it really appears as a direct continuation of severe illness but in very many of the children, there is a severe illness, followed by a lull of several months and only then do the symptoms of long COVID begin,” says Ashkenazi-Hoffnung. More...
BMJ: Allowing mass infection of children is reckless
“Children have suffered significant harms from Covid-19. In just the past two months there have been over 2,300 hospitalisations of under 18s in England. More...
Mass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young
As the third wave of the pandemic takes hold across England, the UK Government plans to further re-open the nation. More...
More than 200 children in the Czech Republic have been diagnosed with coronavirus related PIMS
More than 200 children in the Czech Republic have been diagnosed with a rare condition that can occur several weeks after Covid-19, known as paediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome or PIMS-TS.
CDC: there have been 2617 cases of Covid-19 related MISC/PIMS in children in the United States and 33 deaths
Most cases were in children and adolescents between the ages of 1 and 14 years, with a median age of 9 years. More...
Coronavirus can sicken children in very different ways – both lung-related and PIMS MISC
About half the patients in the study had acute Covid-19, the predominantly lung-related illness that afflicts most adults who get sick. More...
100 UK children a week are being hospitalised with Covid-19 PIMS MISC
Up to 100 UK children a week hospitalised with rare post-Covid disease PIMS (MISC)
75% of children worst affected by paediatric inflammatory multi-system syndrome are BAME
Up to 100 children a week are being hospitalised with a rare disease that can emerge weeks after Covid-19, leaving them in intensive care, doctors have said. More...