Australia: B16172 Delta coronavirus variant spreading in the community via “fleeting contact”

Australasia, B.1.617, B.1.617.2, Coronavirus, Delta, Health, Infection, Science, Transmission, Victoria

Australian COVID-19 testing commander Jeroen Weimar said authorities were now concerned about examples of transmission with very little contact between cases.  “They’re brushing past each other in a small shop, they’re going around a display home … they’re looking at phones in a Telstra shop,” he said. “They don’t know each other’s names, and that’s very different from where we’ve been before.  “We think it’s primarily a feature of the [Delta] variant which is that it is just that much more contagious.” full report


Image by Wim Kantona from Pixabay

** This post was originally published on June 1, 2021 **