Spain: coinfection with West Nile Virus and coronavirus
Andalusia has detected the first case of a patient infected with both covid and West Nile virus . This is a young man who was admitted with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus at the Virgen del Rocío hospital in Seville and who, after detecting symptoms compatible with meningitis, similar to those shown by patients with West Nile fever, was they carried out the pertinent tests. It is the first case registered with this double infection simultaneously in the same person.
“The Andalusian General Health Directorate has confirmed the positive for Nile virus”, explains the hematologist Salvador Oyonarte , member of the Scientific Committee for Transfusion Safety of the Ministry of Health and manager of the Andalusian Network of Transfusion Medicine, Tissues and Cells. “There are no records of other patients and the affected person presents an atypical picture. It is very important to go back to the date of signs of symptoms, “says Oyonarte, who clarifies that” he would like to have more details “and even do more tests to verify that” it is not a false positive for the Nile virus.”
El Pais report (in Spanish)
Image by David Mark from Pixabay