UK SIREN Study: 6,000 previously positive Covid health workers studied, 44 reinfections found
“The Siren Study has collected a really important UK healthcare worker dataset to look at reinfection risk – a point of considerable ongoing concern to healthcare workers and the rest of us. Following over 6000 healthcare workers for 5 months through regular PCR and antibody testing, they conclude that infection confers protection of 76-87% to 5 months, calculated from the fact that 44 reinfections were seen in the previously infected group. Until now, the only other dataset in this sphere of which I’ve been aware has been a large study in Qatar, reporting much lower reinfection, at 243 reinfection cases from 133,000 people studied (0.18%), so this UK study clearly puts the risk of reinfection much higher.”
Image by sungmin cho from Pixabay