Sky News host Trevor Phillips: “the next time one of you tells me what to do in my private life, explain to me why I shouldn’t just tell you where to get off?”
Trevor Phillips, Sky News host: “Over the past two days, every Cabinet minister, including you, has come out to essentially defend the Prime Minister and Matt Hancock. The pictures that we saw were of an encounter on May 6. On May 11, my family buried my daughter who had died not of Covid but during the lockdown. 300 of our family and friends turned up online but most of them were not allowed to be at the graveside even though it is in the open air because of the rule of 30. Because of the instruction by Mr. Hancock. Now the next time one of you tells me what to do in my private life, explain to me why I shouldn’t just tell you where to get off?”
By Heinrich Böll Stiftung from Berlin, Deutschland – Trevor Phillips, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12060601