Preprint: Monkeypox with neuroinflammatory disorders

Health, Mental Heath, Monkeypox, Side Effects, Symptoms

Complications may occur mainly in children and immunosuppressed patients.

Rare and Severe Complications

Although in the current outbreak, the disease appears to be self-limiting, with predominance of focal skin lesions, complications may occur mainly in children and immunosuppressed patients.

Neurological manifestations such as encephalitis, convulsion, dizziness, pain, fatigue, visual alteration, photophobia, headache and myalgia were previously reported. Encephalitis may be due to viral invasion of the central nervous system or an immune-mediated process.

In both situations, rapid recognition is extremely important with the investigation of the cerebrospinal fluid exam, which can demonstrate the local inflammatory reaction, specific IgM and, possibly viral detection, in addition to the imaging study.



Monkeypox: 87% of household samples still contaminated after 15 days




Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash

** This post was originally published on September 18, 2022 **