Sue Gray report: Rampant alcohol abuse at the heart of the British government
The Sue Gray report into breaches of the lockdown regulations by Boris Johnson and members of his government has finally been published. There are 25 separate references to alcohol in the report that paints a picture of rampant alcohol abuse, drunken behaviour and even fighting at the heart of the British government.
We are republishing the report in its entirety below.
Those 25 references to alcohol:
- Wine is visible on the table and some individuals drank alcohol.
- The event took place in No 10 in the Cabinet Room involving formal leaving speeches and some alcohol
- 70 Whitehall in the Cabinet Secretary’s rooms with alcohol, food and music
- Others dialled into the event virtually by Zoom. Alcohol was available
- There was excessive alcohol consumption by some individuals. One individual was sick. There was a minor altercation between two other individuals.
- A number of individuals gathered in the Cabinet Room in No 10 Downing Street to wish the Prime Minister a happy birthday. Food, alcohol and soft drinks were provided
- Those attending consumed food and drink, and some drank alcohol.
- Wine had been provided and those attending, including the Prime Minister, were drinking alcohol.
- The Prime Minister joined them at about 20.00. Food and alcohol were available.
- There were approximately 15 to 20 people in attendance, some of whom were drinking alcohol.
- Senior officials and special advisers attended the event. There was food and alcohol available and it lasted for around an hour.
- Alcohol and food was available in Downing Street and at 70 Whitehall
- Food and alcohol was available during the quiz which was purchased by individuals on behalf of their teams.
- Some staff drank alcohol. A No 10 official sent a message on internal No 10 systems referring to drunkenness and advising staff to leave No 10 via the back exit.
- Most of those in the office in No 10 either left or returned to work after the quiz with some remaining continuing to chat and some drank alcohol.
- Alcohol and food were consumed during the quiz which lasted approximately 90 minutes in total.
- Others joined online. There was some food and alcohol available
- There were speeches, including from the Prime Minister and senior officials, and alcohol. Approximately 20 people attended
- A small number of individuals (three or four) remained in the Pillared Room for a while longer and then went to the Private Office area, where they continued to drink alcohol until approximately 01.00.
- The event included a Secret Santa and an awards ceremony. There was alcohol and food.
- There was food and alcohol available which had been bought and brought in by staff. Some members of staff drank excessively. The event was crowded and noisy
- The Prime Minister attended for a short time to give a leaving speech. Alcohol was available.
- Alcohol was available at both events and there were speeches. Senior officials attended.
- Shortly before 21.30, there were over 20 people present in the garden, with a number of bottles of alcohol
- Some individuals remained in the building and carried on drinking alcohol until the early hours
And finally, on page 19 of the report, there is this statement from a government adviser: “a complete non story but better than them focusing on our drinks (which we seem to have got away with).”
The full Sue Gray report:
The report can also be downloaded here
SNAP POLL: 59% of Britons think that Boris Johnson should resign as PM
All Brits
Should resign: 59%
Should remain: 30%Con voters
Resign: 27%
Remain: 63%Lab voters
Resign: 88%
Remain: 6%https://t.co/0uxu6LjnS2 pic.twitter.com/GDjJYiZTGO— YouGov (@YouGov) May 25, 2022
** This post was originally published on May 25, 2022 **