Italy: It’s the second highest Covid peak ever

BA.2, BA.5, Children, Coronavirus, Deaths, Elderly, Europe, Health, Healthcare, Hospitalization, Infection, Italy, Omicron, PCR, Research, Testing, Transmission
Covid-19 infections in Italy are 100 times greater than one year ago.

“The data of the ISS flow in the period 27/06 / 2022-03 / 07/2022 show an incidence still increasing and equal to 879 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to the previous week which was 586 per 100,000 inhabitants in period 06/20/2022-26/06/2022.”

The same trend is observed in the most recent period recorded in the aggregate data collected by the Ministry of Health (1071 per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 1/7 / 2022-7 / 7/2022 vs 763 per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 24/06 / 2022-30 / 06/2022).

The age group with the highest weekly incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants is the 30-39 age group with an incidence of 1,071 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase compared to the previous week. At the moment, the lowest incidence is found in age group> 90 years with an incidence of 519 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase compared to the previous week.

In the period 15 June – 28 June 2022, the mean Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 1.40 (range 1.36-1.46), increasing compared to the previous week and beyond the epidemic threshold. The transmissibility index based on cases with hospitalization is slightly increasing and also above the epidemic threshold: Rt = 1.24 (1.21-1.28) at 06/28/2022 vs Rt = 1.22 (1.18-1.26) as of 06/20/2022. 

A worsening of the epidemic continues to be recorded, despite the summer period in which many activities are carried out outdoors. An acute epidemic phase is confirmed characterized by a strong increase in incidence, by a transmissibility (both calculated on symptomatic cases and on hospitalized cases) above the epidemic threshold and by an increase in the occupancy rates of beds in the area medical and intensive care.

The occupancy rate of the beds in intensive care is increased, calculated in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 30 April 2020 that is in place at 3.5% (323 / 9.194) on 05/07/2022, compared to 2.5% (234 / 9.203) on 27/06/2022. The absolute number of people admitted to intensive care increased from 234 (27/06/2022) to 323 (05/07/2022), with a relative increase of 38%.


Monitoraggio Fase 2_ report_nazionale_112_finale-1 ENGLISH



Italy: Covid-19 infections are 100 times greater than one year ago: (in Italian)


Italy is seeing its second-highest Covid-19 peak:




Italy epidemiological report 111:

Italy: ‘Dangerous increase’ in SARS-CoV-2 concentrations in wastewater of >30%






Image by Jo Wiggijo from Pixabay

** This post was originally published on July 8, 2022 **