Denmark: BA.5 wave – infections up, hospitalizations up, deaths up
A rather chippy introduction to the latest Danish weekly epidemiological report belies the fact that much of the information contained in the report shows Covid trends stil increasing across the country.
“The number of new COVID-19 cases continue to increase between week 25 and 26 but the weekly growth is 27% which was the same weekly growth as between week 24 and 25. The incidence on a national level is 225 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in week 26. Both test activity and positive percentages has risen in week 26 on a national level.
However, the number of hospitalizations has only increased by 9% in week 26 and patients in age groups 70-89 years constitute the largest groups among the hospitalized. It is estimated that 30% of the patients are admitted because of another diagnosis than COVID-19 in week 24 (the last week it is possible to create these data for).”
On a national level, there is a stable occurrence of COVID-19 among nursing home residents, which, however, reflects an increase in the Capital Region and a decrease in the other Regions. The increase continues in both number of new cases and positive percentages among personnel in the health care- and social sector in week 26.
Overall, there is an increasing incidence across age groups and geography. There is, however, a slight decrease and stable positive percentages in the Capital Region and in the Region of North Denmark.
There is a decrease in concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater samplings, both on a national level and in the five regions, with the least decrease in Region South. BA.5 accounts provisionally for 80% of the sequenced tests in week 26, and it is estimated that the increasing wide dispersion of infections is still driven by the emergence of BA.5.
The decrease in concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater might be an indication that the top of the BA.5 wave has been reached. However, it remains uncertain how the large gatherings in recent weeks can influence the spread of infections and thus the development in case numbers in the coming weeks.
Denmark Covid-19 incidence rate:
Denmark, Covid-19 hospitalized and deaths:
Denmark, Covid-19 regional differences infection:
Denmark, age-distributed incidence, test rates and positive percentage:
Ugentlige-tendenser-covid19-andre-luftvejs-uge27-2022-42jk ENGLISH
Week 26, 2022:
Denmark: Covid cases up 27% in one week, hospitalizations up by 45%