England: 420,000 children a month treated for mental health problems

Children, Coronavirus, England, Health, Infection, Mental Heath, MIS-C PIMS, Symptoms, UK

More than 400,000 children and young people a month are being treated for mental health problems – the highest number on record – prompting warnings of an unprecedented crisis in the wellbeing of under-18s.

Experts say Covid-19 has seriously exacerbated problems such as anxiety, depression and self-harm among school-age children and that the “relentless and unsustainable” ongoing rise in their need for help could overwhelm already stretched NHS services.

Guardian report



UKHSA: Hepatitis in kids – revised hypotheses include new SARS-CoV-2 variant





Photo by Berkan Küçükgül on Unsplash

** This post was originally published on May 22, 2022 **