USA: ABC reporter tests positive for Covid-19 after White House Correspondents’ Dinner *1 UPDATE*
In the least surprising news of 2022, ABC News’ Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl has tested positive for Covid-19 days after sitting next to Kim Kardashian at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and interacting with President Joe Biden.
12) Another reporter at the #WHCD dinner event just privately disclosed to me his/her positive #COVID19 test. Again, the number of people I know who attended the WHCD fits on just 2 hands. And I already know 2 cases out of the handful. Oy. That’s not looking good. pic.twitter.com/NJSFre1hwV
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) May 3, 2022
Reporters and staffers from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Politico, and other news organizations test positive for COVID-19 after White House Correspondents’ Dinner; exact number unknown – CNN
— BNO|Medriva Newsroom (@medriva) May 4, 2022
UPDATE 1 – 4th May 2022
“Anecdotally speaking, much of Tuesday afternoon seemed to consist of attendees (of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner) trading text messages and emails about colleagues and friends and people they had seen who had tested positive. That’s almost certainly going to continue in the days ahead…”