France excludes SARS-CoV-2 in case definition file for hepatitis in kids
In a bizarre twist to the hepatitis in children story we covered earlier this week, we have learned that the French Health Department are now specifically excluding SARS-CoV-2 virus infections as a possible cause for hepatitis in the official case definition file.
Def_cas_Hepatite_aigue_pediatrique_28042022 ENGLISH
The original French version of the case definition file can be downloaded here
It seems that Twitter may also be removing posts that are discussing a possible link between SARS-CoV-2 and hepatitis – posts discussing the topic are archived below.
Feb 2022 Research: Severe hepatitis in pediatric COVID-19 – *7 UPDATES*
Photo by Chris A. Tweten on Unsplash
** This post was originally published on May 3, 2022 **