England: Over 1,000 Covid-19 hospitalizations a day
England is starting to see the results of its barmy “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy towards Covid-19 infections, as more than 1,000 people a day are now turning up at hospitals across the country with Covid related illnesses.
On the 20th June 2022, 1,055 Covid-19 patients were admitted to English hospitals according to UK Government figures:
On 20th June 2022, just 15,800 people were recorded as testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in England:
The last time England had a similar number of Covid-19 hospitalizations was on February 13th 2022, when there were 1,029 new hospitalizations:
But on the 13th February 2022, there were 32,308 Covid-19 cases recorded – more than twice as many cases per 1,000 hospitalizations as in June 2022.
The ZOE Covid-19 app is currently showing more than 225,000 new symptomatic Covid cases a day:
ZOE is also showing that around 2.5 million people currently have Covid (as new cases can take several weeks to recuperate):
Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t know.
Over 1,000 hospital admissions with COVID today. Still rising sharply across England, up 37% week-on-week. Up by between 16% and 56% in the English regions. Implied R estimate has risen slightly to 1.18.
Bed occupancy with COVID is up by 28% to 6,177. pic.twitter.com/QgblUmZZN6
— COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group (@COVID19actuary) June 22, 2022
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Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash