Tag: 501Y
New Philippines coronavirus variant has 484K and 501Y mutations
On Thursday, the Department of Health (DoH) in Central Visayas (The Philippines) confirmed that they have detected two mutations with “potential clinical significance” of SARS-CoV-2 that cause the disease. More...
Pfizer-Biontech preparing vaccine “booster shot” for coronavirus variants B117, 501YV2 etc
As two new stains of the virus spread globally, Pfizer and BioNTech are also developing booster shots that can protect against various mutations. More...
Israel’s coronavirus czar says first dose less effective than Pfizer indicated
Israel’s coronavirus czar Nachman Ash has reportedly said the first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine provides less protection against COVID-19 than the US pharmaceutical firm had initially indicated it would, and cautioned that it may not protect against new strains of the virus.
Study of convalescent sera from 44 South Africans infected in first wave, >90% showed reduced immunity & 48% had complete immune escape to 501Y.V2
Study of convalescent sera from 44 South Africans infected in first wave >90% showed reduced immunity and 48% had complete immune esape to 501Y.V2 More...