Israel: Delta coronavirus outbreaks – Binyamina designated orange, Modiin Maccabim-Re’ut designated yellow
The Israeli Health Ministry reported 110 new coronavirus cases in Israel in the last 24 hours on Wednesday morning, bringing the total number of active cases to 554. The town of Binyamina has been designated orange in the government’s coronavirus traffic light system, and Modiin Maccabim-Re’ut has been designated yellow.
In light of 110 new COVID-19 cases identified in Israel on Tuesday, the director-general of the Health Ministry, Chezy Levy, announced that people who came into contact with a carrier of a “dangerous strain” can be ordered to go into quarantine, even if they are inoculated. Masks will also be made compulsory at airports, border crossings, and medical facilities. Some 87 percent of the 110 news cases were infected within Israel, as efforts to address Israel’s handling of arrivals at its international airport continue. This is the second consecutive day in which the number of new daily cases lists above 100.
Haaretz.com: Israel Delays Letting in Tourists in Effort to Contain COVID Delta Strain
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