BBC Wales: 88% vaccine breakthrough in Covid hospitalisations

Astrazeneca, B.1.617.2, Coronavirus, Deaths, Delta, Healthcare, Hospitalization, Infection, Moderna, Pfizer/Biontech, UK, Vaccine Breakthrough, Vaccine Waning, Wales

This is how the BBC announces a near 88% vaccine breakthrough rate for Covid-19 hospitalizations in Wales:  BBC: “Nearly 13% of hospital patients with confirmed Covid were unvaccinated.


This is how the BBC announces a 67% vaccine breakthrough rate for new Covid cases in Wales:

BBC: “A third of people with confirmed Covid cases in Wales in the past week were unvaccinated.”


This is how the BBC announces a 63% vaccine breakthrough rate for the under 60’s in Wales: 

BBC: “99% of people who tested positive for Covid in the past week in Wales were under 60. Of these, 37% were unvaccinated.”


The full BBC report here. Is this just piss-poor journalism or deliberately misleading propaganda?


The table below is taken from a Public Health Wales document with breakthrough information to 21st September 2021 which can be downloaded from here

From the chart above:

For ALL patients:
493 Fully vaccinated hospitalisations
79 Unvaccinated hospitalisations
Total Hospitalisations for all patients = 572 (excluding partially vaccinated and unknown)

That’s an 86% vaccine breakthrough rate


For OVER 60’s:
423 Fully vaccinated hospitalisations
33 Unvaccinated hospitalisations
Total Hospitalisations for over 60’s = 456 (excluding partially vaccinated and unknown)

That’s a 92% vaccine breakthrough rate


Even in the under 60’s, the majority of people in hospital for Covid-19 are fully vaccinated


And finally, in the PHW chart below, just look at the 95% vaccine breakthrough rate for new Covid cases in those over 60yrs in the middle of the chart. The majority of new covid cases in Wales in all age groups are also fully vaccinated

Note how many people with an “unknown” vaccination status have been crammed into the that last column in the chart. Do Public Health Wales really not know the vaccination status of a fifth of new patients?


In conclusion then, the vaccines are NOT giving 95% protection that was initially touted. Indeed, for some age groups, the vaccines actually have a 95% failure rate.


Public Health Wales hospitalizations document


Israel: “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people”


Israel: “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people”

** This post was originally published on September 25, 2021 **