Berlin and Munich stop coronavirus vaccination with Astrazeneca vaccine for under 60’s – rest of Germany likely to follow
First, as a precaution, Berlin and Munich suspended the vaccinations with AstraZeneca for under 60-year-olds. Now the Standing Vaccination Commission will probably change its age recommendations for the preparation.
According to a draft resolution, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) wants to change its recommendations for the use of AstraZeneca’s corona vaccine. The Stiko Corona vaccinations with AstraZeneca only recommend for women and men over 60 in Germany.
The Berlin clinics Charité and Vivantes had previously announced the vaccination ban with reference to cases of cerebral vein thrombosis. Charité spokeswoman Manuela Zingl said “From the Charité’s point of view, this step is necessary because further cerebral vein thromboses in women in Germany have become known in the meantime.”
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