France: full coronavirus lockdown with school closures demanded by scientists and medics
194 new deaths and nearly 43,000 new cases reported today, Contamination and the number of patients in intensive care remain at high levels, confirming the arrival of a third epidemic wave announced by Olivier Véran.
Researchers plead for a month of strict containment. The prospect of a strict and generalized reconfinement resurfaces due to the hospital tension. Researchers and doctors plead for long-term measures.
Mircea Sofonea, lecturer in epidemiology at the University of Montpellier (Hérault), is on the same line. “According to my models, it would be necessary to confine strictly, as in March 2020, at least for six weeks, judges this specialist. This deadline would make it possible to find an incidence rate below 5,000 new cases per actual day, the threshold set by Emmanuel Macron in November to accept deconfinement. We would also arrive at less than 2000 patients in intensive care and a less active circulation of the virus. It all depends on the health objectives set, in particular at the level of hospital occupation. Currently, Covid-19 patients are being cared for at the expense of deprogrammed patients. We will then have to catch up. ”
Image by matthiasfr from Pixabay