Russia: “Moscow” coronavirus variant strain announced

Coronavirus, Europe, Health, Infection, Lockdown, Russia, Science, Sputnik V, Testing, Transmission, Treatment, Vaccine
“In the capital Moscow, there is now an increase in the incidence of COVID-19, which is higher than the average in Russia. According to Russian Immunologist Vladimir Bolibok, the new strain caused the growth of Covid patients. It can be called the “Moscow” strain.
The most important reason for the increase in coronavirus infections, in all likelihood, could be the emergence of our own, Moscow, strain,” says Bolibok.

According to him, this COVID-19 mutation began to spread within Russia. Perhaps the strain did not originate in Moscow itself, but once in a metropolis, it began to spread rapidly.

The immunologist also noted that there may be an increase in the number of deaths due to the fact that the usual treatment regimens do not work. Bolibok cited the words of the head physician of the hospital in Kommunarka Denis Protsenko, who had previously spoken about younger and more severe patients.

The Gamaleya Research Center noted that it is too early to make official statements on the “Moscow” strain of COVID-19. Dr. Anatoly Altstein confirmed the beginning of the third wave of coronavirus, but it may also be caused by imported strains. In any case, the new mutation of the virus is more infectious.

** No details have been released on the lineage of the variant yet. We are assuming the Russians have already ruled out the Delta variant as being responsible for the upsurge. report (in Russian)


** UPDATE 1 **

Director of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg, did not answer the question about the effectiveness of the Sputnik V vaccine against the “Moscow” strain of COVID-19. According to him, research is being carried out in this direction. again


Иммунолог Владимир Болибок рассказал о появлении нового штамма коронавируса в России. По словам врача, его можно назвать “московским”.

В столице сейчас наблюдается рост заболеваемости COVID-19, который выше, чем в среднем по России. По словам Болибока, новый штамм и стал причиной роста “ковидных” больных

“Самой главной причиной роста заражений коронавирусом, по всей вероятности, могло стать возникновение нашего собственного, московского, штамма”, — приводит URA.RU слова Болибока.

По его словам, эта мутация COVID-19 стала распространяться внутри России. Возможно, штамм возник не в самой Москве, но попав в мегаполис, стал быстро распространяться.

Также иммунолог отметил, что может наблюдаться повышение количества смертей из-за того, что привычные схемы лечения не срабатывают. Болибок привёл слова главврача больницы в Коммунарке Дениса Проценко, который ранее говорил о более молодых и более тяжёлых пациентах.


Russia: “Moscow” coronavirus variant – 1,705 new patients, 468 on ventilators, 71 deaths in one city in one day


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Russia: “Moscow” coronavirus variant – 1,705 new patients, 468 on ventilators, 71 deaths in one city in one day




Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

** This post was originally published on June 15, 2021 **