Tag: Novel. coronavirus
Brazil: new strain of coronavirus identified in Rio de Janeiro, designated P5
Monitoring in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has identified a possible new Sars-Cov-2 lineage, originating from P.1.1.28, in the region of Barra Mansa and Porto Real, on the border with the State of São Paulo, and which has only now been called P5. More...
Russia: “Moscow” coronavirus variant strain announced
India: New coronavirus variant B.1.618 with added E484K
E484K has been found in a new Sars-Cov-2 variant labelled as B.1.618, which has been reported in West Bengal, India. More...
Lebanon: possibly new highly transmissible coronavirus variant circulating since January 2021
Lebanese study: “our results represent the first epidemiological study in Lebanon to demonstrate the presence of new “S-mutant variant(s)” within our population, which may be similar to those previously identified in the UK, South Africa and Brazil, or a new one, that is responsible for the surge in COVID-19 cases during the third stage of the study”
“Whether the above variant(s) is one of the internationally identified lineages or is a new variant that has emerged within the Lebanese population remains to be deciphered. More...
Identification of a novel coronavirus lineage harboring E484Q and N501T spike mutations in Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil
We report a cluster of two sequences characterized by a unique array of 18 mutations, including new non-synonymous changes in the same critical spike amino acid positions, E484Q and N501T. More...
Novel coronavirus discovered in British bats
A coronavirus related to the virus that causes Covid-19 in humans has been found in UK horseshoe bats – according to new collaborative research from the University of East Anglia, ZSL (Zoological Society of London), and Public Health England (PHE). More...
WOW. Unexpected novel Merbecovirus discoveries in agricultural sequencing datasets from Wuhan, China
In this study we document the unexpected discovery of multiple coronaviruses and a BSL-3 pathogen in agricultural cotton and rice sequencing datasets. More...
Predicting mammalian hosts in which novel coronaviruses can be generated
“..the most immediate threat to public health is recombination of other coronaviruses with SARS-CoV-2. More...
A novel SARS-CoV-2 related coronavirus in bats from Cambodia
Here we describe the identification of SARS-CoV-2 related coronaviruses in two Rhinolophus shameli bats sampled in Cambodia in 2010. More...