Tag: Covis-19
Hong Kong: all passenger flights from UK banned to curb coronavirus – Britain deemed “extremely high-risk”
Hong Kong will ban all passenger flights from the United Kingdom from Thursday (Jul 1) to curb the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, the government said on Monday. More...
Rapid rise of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spike mutation T478K found in Mexico and several European countries
We report the distribution of the Spike mutation S:T478K and its recent growth in prevalence in the SARS-CoV-2 population. More...
Schools close in Lombardy, Piedmont, Romagna and Calabria in Italy due to fresh coronavirus variant outbreaks
In Lombardy, The president of the Lombardy Region said of his decision to order the immediate closure of schools. More...
Dangerous new coronavirus strains may incubate in COVID-19 sickest patients
“A Boston patient tested positive for SARS-CoV2 infections four separate times over 22 weeks. More...