Tag: travel
Argentina: coronavirus death toll hits 95,000 as Delta cases fly in
The Argentine Health Ministry confirmed Friday that two new Covid-19 cases with the Delta variant had been detected by migration officials, as Argentina’s death toll reached 95,000. More...
UK: India is added to travel “red list” three weeks too late
India has been added to a “red list” of countries from which most travel to the UK is banned over fears of a new Covid variant [B.1.617], the health secretary has said.
Ireland: Shops most commonly visited places listed by people later infected with coronavirus
The first comprehensive study of community transmission of Covid-19 in Ireland has identified shops as the most likely source of infection. More...
Ireland adds Israel to its coronavirus quarantine list of 56 countries
Ireland has added Israel to its #coronavrus quarantine list of 56 countries: “All those intending to travel to Ireland from or via any of these countries/territories, who will arrive in Ireland after 04.00 on Tuesday 6 April are required to book accommodation for mandatory hotel quarantine at least 48 hours in advance of travel.” More...
8,000 tourists a day arrive in the UK in the middle of global coronavirus pandemic
Britain’s opposition Labour party has said it is “completely outrageous” that up to 8,000 tourists may be arriving in Britain every day and demanded the UK government tighten up its hotel quarantine system to avoid new coronavirus variants being brought into the country. More...
NZ: Travellers are quarantined by planeload “because we know that is one of sources of infection is the plane journey itself”
Chris Hipkins, NZ Covid-19 Response Minister: “The policy was to try and keep planeloads of people together in managed isolation because transmission within planes has been a problem. More...
Genomic evidence of in-flight transmission of SARS-CoV-2 despite predeparture testing
Evidence of in-flight transmission on a flight from the United Arab Emirates to New Zealand is strongly supported by the epidemiologic data, in-flight seating plan, symptom onset dates, and genomic data for this group of travelers who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (passengers A–G). More...