India: The stunning rise of the B.1.617.2 [Delta] coronavirus variant

Asia, B.1.617, Coronavirus, D614G, Delta, E484Q, Health, India, Infection, L452R, Science, T478K, Testing, Transmission, Variants

Professor Christina Pagel:  [B.1.617.2] rapidly became dominant in India and, again, the sequenced data there is sparse, but early modelling shows that it might well be more transmissible than our B.1.1.7 Kent strain.

‘What we have also seen in India is that B.1.617.2 is becoming the dominant subtype – exactly the same pattern we see here in the UK. 

‘While this could reflect the situation in India through importation, the Sanger data tries to exclude travel related cases or surge testing and we still see the rise of B.1.617.2 in that’.


UPDATED 25th May 2021 – B.1.617.2 found in 100% of sequences from the last 15 days


Charts courtesy of



Rapid rise of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spike mutation T478K found in Mexico and several European countries




UK government poised to declare Delta coronavirus B.1.617 a Variant of Concern or VOC


** NOTE: B.1.617.2 carries the T478K mutation according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

See also Bioxriv preprint: Preliminary report on SARS-CoV-2 Spike mutation T478K


Rapid rise of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spike mutation T478K found in Mexico and several European countries


Chart courtesy of


** This post was originally published on May 5, 2021 **