Tucker Carlson: The vaccine interview with Steve Kirsch & Brett Weinstein
Have 17 million people died from Covid-19 vaccines?
Tucker Carlson interviews Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch about the latest disturbing Covid-19 vaccine information in a must-watch video.
Brett Weinstein says ‘I saw a credible estimate of something like 17 million deaths globally.’
Steve Kirsch says ‘The data was consistent with this vaccine being the most dangerous of all time … death, morbidity and mortality beyond anything that’s ever been seen … worldwide, it’s over 13 million people [that have died from the Covid-19 vaccines], easily … 17 million is a fair estimate..’
Watch the full video below, or use the links to TuckerCarlson.com and Youtube.
Watch this video on TuckerCarlson.com
Steve Kirsch: A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines
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