France: BA.5 now dominant, Covid cases up by more than 50% in one week
BA.5 at 59%, sharp increase in Covid cases in all regions and age groups, hospital admission rate rising.
- Metropolitan France:
Sharp increase in incidence rate in all regions and age groups
Hospital admission rate rising and particularly high in the 80+ age group - Overseas France:
Virological indicators still at very high levels, although decreasing in Martinique
Increase in the incidence rate in Guadeloupe and French Guiana - Variants
BA.2 gradually replaced by the now dominant BA.5 with 59% of interpretable sequences in the week 24 Flash Survey (13 June)
Increased presence of the mutation at position L452 in screening (74% in week 25 vs 64% in week 24), connected with the increase in certain Omicron sub-lineages, including BA.5
- Metropolitan France:
France epidemiological update
In week 25, the sharp rise in incidence rate continued and reached 742/100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 53% (vs +29% in week 24). This increase affected all age groups and was particularly striking among the youngest (+65%, i.e. 305/100,000 among 0-9 year-olds) who also showed the most significant rise in screening rate (+53%). The incidence rate was particularly high among 30-59 year-olds, rising to over 900/100,000 inhabitants. The positivity rate continued to increase in all age groups, rising to over 30% among 40-69 year-olds.
In week 25, consultations for suspected COVID-19 were once again on the rise in SOS Médecins organisations (2,084, +51%) and emergency departments (5,866, +43%). The increase in new hospital admissions continued in week 25 (4,486, +19%) after rising by 26% the previous week. Intensive care admissions were stable in week 25 (418, +0%); however, these data had not been consolidated. Given the 28% increase in week 24, this trend should be confirmed next week upon data consolidation.
Hospital admission rates were particularly high among 80-89 year-olds (35.4/100,000) and in the 90+ age group (61.8/100,000). The number of deaths in hospitals and long-term care facilities increased after declining for several weeks (225, +3%, unconsolidated data for week 25). The number of all-cause deaths remained within normal fluctuation margins in week 24.