Category: XL
XL recombinant
Italy: Omicron recombinants XJ and XL at 32% of sequences in Sardinia
Recent Italian SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing information has shown that the Omicron BA1/BA2 recombinants XJ and XL are making strong headway on the island of Sardinia. More...
South Korea: XE and XM recombinants may be ‘domestic occurrence’
South Korea’s health authority has detected the XE and XM SARS_CoV-2 recombinant mutations for the first time.
SARS-CoV-2: New recombinants designated XG, XH, XJ, XK and XL
SARS_CoV-2 recombinants are being designated almost on a daily basis now. More...