Category: XM
XM recombinant
Sardinia: XJ recombinant is at ~20% of sequences, XM at ~15%
In Sardinia, XJ and XM Omicron recombinants are at 19.67% and 14.75% of sequences respectively. More...
South Korea: XE and XM recombinants may be ‘domestic occurrence’
South Korea’s health authority has detected the XE and XM SARS_CoV-2 recombinant mutations for the first time.
India: XE and XM recombinants reported in Gujurat
India has confirmed its first cases in the XE and XM recombinant variants in Gujurat. More...
Netherlands: BA.1.1/BA.2 recombinant designated XM
A recombinant SARS-CoV-2 variant originally sequenced in the Netherlandshas been designated XM. More...