Large UK study confirms previous Covid-19 infection often outperforms vaccine induced immunity
NO, we are ABSOLUTELY NOT recommending you try to get infected with Covid-19!
We’ve had the bug. This BSL4 bioweapon is a devastating beast and you could find yourself in an ICU hospital ward or dead if you try it! Do your best to avoid it all costs.
We are publishing this information so that you can make an informed decision if you have already been infected.
Remember that natural immunity will also fade over time – just think about how many times you have had the flu despite having had it before.
To repeat: Do NOT try to get infected naturally!
Impact of Delta on viral burden and vaccine effectiveness against new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the UK
Vaccine waning studies show large declines in efficacy againt infection for Covid-19 vaccines
** This post was originally published on August 25, 2021 **