UK: Detection of Spike Mutations; D80G, T95I, G142D, △144, N439K, E484K, P681H, I1130V, and D1139H, in B.1.1.482 Lineage (AV.1) Samples from South Yorkshire, UK
“Here we report the discovery of 24 recent B.1.1.482 pango lineage SARS-CoV-2 viruses in South Yorkshire that have acquired approximately 23 additional mutations when compared to the majority of other samples of this lineage. Nine of these additional mutations are found in the spike gene and six represent changes which are found in variants of interest and concern across the world and/or associated with reduced antibody binding (T95I, G142D, △144, N439K, E484K, P681H). Similar mutation profiles were also seen in B.1.1.482 samples from other regions in the UK. We recommended the monitoring of samples of this lineage which is now designated AV.1.”
Virological.org – Detection of Spike Mutations; D80G, T95I, G142D, △144, N439K, E484K, P681H, I1130V, and D1139H, in B.1.1.482 Lineage (AV.1) Samples from South Yorkshire, UK (UK Variant under investigation VUI-21MAY-01)
Image by Stanislav Hedvik from Pixabay