From Alpha to Delta – how Britain won and then lost the fight against coronavirus

After months of being ravaged by the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) in 2020, Britain seemed to turn a corner in its fight with the coronavirus in early 2021.  More...

Hong Kong: all passenger flights from UK banned to curb coronavirus – Britain deemed “extremely high-risk”

Hong Kong will ban all passenger flights from the United Kingdom from Thursday (Jul 1) to curb the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, the government said on Monday.  More...

UK: coronavirus variant B.1.617.2 within hours of outcompeting B.1.1.7 in Britain

Well that escalated quickly. It took just a little over one month to do it, but B.1.617.2 is now just hours away from outcompeting B.1.1.7 (aka the UK or Kent variant) on a national scale in Great Britain.  More...