UK SAGE: “it is highly likely there are currently thousands of new omicron infections per day in the UK”
“it is highly likely there are currently thousands of new omicron infections per day in the UK. It is also highly likely that omicron will account for the majority of new SARS-CoV-2 infections within a few weeks.”
“Scotland, however, is currently seeing very fast doubling times in the number of S-gene negative cases, albeit growing from a low base.”
SPI-M-O: Consensus Statement on COVID-19, 7 December 2021
See also:
“Omicron was in Britain BEFORE South Africa raised alarm: Nine Scottish cases all linked to single ‘event’ on November 20, four days before official discovery, amid fears it was imported at COP26 or by rugby fans”
** This post was originally published on December 8, 2021 **