Germany: Fourth Covid vaccination offered for “a quieter and symptom-free summer”
Germany’s health minister Karl Lauterbach has announced plans to offer every citizen a fourth Covid vaccination so that they can have “a quieter and symptom-free summer”.
If you want to have a “quiet summer”, you should get vaccinated – even a 4th time. Because of the increasing corona numbers, Health Minister Lauterbach advises on ZDF to spades for everyone.
At the moment, the German Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends a fourth vaccination, especially for certain risk groups, such as older people. However, Lauterbach does not make this restriction. He says: “By voluntarily wearing a mask indoors and with a fourth vaccination, you can make the summer much better for yourself. “
ZDF.de report (in German)
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash