Tag: Nigeria
Angola: Increase in coronavirus infections, hospitalisations and deaths as 2nd wave peaks
Lubango central hospital in Angola is under pressure due to the growing number of patients, reporting the possible collapse of the system. More...
Nigeria ditches AstraZeneca VaxZevria coronavirus vaccine in favour of Johnson & Johnson
The Nigerian government has quietly ditched the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine meant to vaccinate tens of millions of citizens, and will gradually shift to the Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine, saying it is easier to administer. More...
Nigerian coronavirus variant B1525 isolated in Brescia, Italy. Mutations include E484K, Q677H, F888L and a similar suite of deletions to B.1.1.7.
The Nigerian variant of Covid has been isolated in Brescia. More...
New coronavirus variant B.1.525 with E484K, Q677H, F888L and a similar deletions to B117
International lineage with variants of biological significance E484K, Q677H, F888L and a similar suite of deletions to B.1.1.7. More...
New Nigerian coronavirus variant P681H “has the 501 mutation”
A new variant of the coronavirus, P681H, has been identified, this time in Nigeria, with a separate lineage from the variants found in the UK and in South Africa, John Nkengasong, head of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), said on Thursday. More...