Tag: Wuhan
China: Sars-CoV-2 returns to Wuhan
Authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan will begin testing its entire population, after a handful of positive coronavirus cases were detected there.
China: 10-12% of Guangzhou coronavirus patients are critically ill – far higher than Wuhan outbreak
Some 10-12 percent of the COVID-19 patients in the latest COVID-19 outbreak in Guangzhou are critically ill, Guan Xiangdong, a specialist in the Guangdong COVID-19 medical team, told media on Thursday. More...
China: Thousands of wild animals for sale in Wuhan wet markets prior to the coronavirus pandemic
Horrendous new report: “Here we document 47,381 individuals from 38 species, including 31 protected species sold between May 2017 and November 2019 in Wuhan’s markets. More...
Spain: SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus found in Barcelona sewage in March 2019
“SARS-CoV-2 was detected in Barcelona sewage long before the declaration of the first COVID-19 case, indicating that the infection was present in the population before the first imported case was reported. More...
“Gain of Function research hasn’t protected us from this outbreak, hasn’t provided us with any effective treatments or vaccines to save hundreds of thousands of lives lost to CoV2, and if there is even a 0.1% chance GOF research caused the whole thing, that chance is too high”
Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research
CoV2 is an obvious chimera (though not nesessarily a lab-made one), which is based on the ancestral bat strain RaTG13, in which the receptor binding motif (RBM) in its spike protein is replaced by the RBM from a pangolin strain, and in addition, a small but very special stretch of 4 amino acids is inserted, which creates a furin cleavage site that, as virologists have previously established, significantly expands the “repertoire” of the virus in terms of whose cells it can penetrate. More...
WOW. Unexpected novel Merbecovirus discoveries in agricultural sequencing datasets from Wuhan, China
In this study we document the unexpected discovery of multiple coronaviruses and a BSL-3 pathogen in agricultural cotton and rice sequencing datasets. More...
WHO report on coronavirus pandemic origins published
Arguments in favour [of a lab leak] : Although rare, laboratory accidents do happen, and different laboratories around the world are working with bat CoVs. More...
Timing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus index case in Hubei province, China
“Consequently, the index case in Hubei likely contracted SARS-CoV-2 on or around 04 November 2019”. More...
WHO mission to Wuhan finds possible signs of wider original coronavirus outbreak in 2019
Investigators from the World Health Organization (WHO) looking into the origins of coronavirus in China have discovered signs the outbreak was much wider in Wuhan in December 2019 than previously thought, and are urgently seeking access to hundreds of thousands of blood samples from the city that China has not so far let them examine. More...
Did a review of virus samples collected from a Chinese mine cause the coronavirus pandemic?
This research examines the activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in late 2019, when samples from a mineshaft associated with a suspected SARS outbreak were being reviewed. More...