Category: Fomites
EU: Foodborne infection by SARS-CoV-2 cannot be ruled out
The EU Food Safety Agency quietly released a document two days ago revealing “the possibility of the respiratory tract becoming infected during chewing cannot be completely ruled out.” More...
CDC: Advice for schools on monkeypox
What should we do if a person who has been exposed to monkeypox develops symptoms while in our setting? More...
Monkeypox: 87% of household samples still contaminated after 15 days
Of the 31 environmental swab samples collected by the CDC from the property of a person infected with monkeypox, 87% were still contaminated with the virus after 15 days. More...
Research: Monkeypox spread by flies
“We identify the circulation of at least two distinct monkeypox virus lineages and document the shedding of infectious particles in faeces and flies, suggesting that they could mediate indirect transmission”. More...
Monkeypox: Infected by a kiss on the cheek, unimaginable pain, then my DOGS got lesions..
David Watson from California giving evidence on his recent experience with monkeypox – he caught it by kissing a friend on the cheek – his husband then became infected – then his TWO DOGS started showing lesions. More...
Preprint: Monkeypox virus contamination in an office-based workplace environment
In May 2022, an office worker attended their place of work while experiencing prodromal (pre-lesion) symptoms of monkeypox infection. More...
Smallpox: Viable virus particles obtained from scabs after 13 years
Viable smallpox virus particles were obtained from scabs collected 13 years previously and kept in a storage cupboard. More...
Monkeypox: Doctor infected while testing patients
An Israeli doctor was infected by monkeypox earlier this week while handling a sample, Hebrew media reported on Thursday. More...
Monkeypox: CDC advises infected to wear a mask and isolate
CDC updated advice on monkeypox: “Cover the lesions, wear a well-fitting mask, and avoid public transportation when leaving the home”. More...
Monkeypox: Man infected by a second-hand scooter
An extraordinary thread on Twitter today from a man in Spain who is convinced that he was infected with monkeypox after touching the surfaces on a scooter he had just bought second-hand. More...