Category: California
Monkeypox: More than 64,000 cases reported worldwide
More than 64,000 cases of Monkeypox have been recorded globally since the outbreak began in May 2022. More...
Monkeypox: Anecdotal evidence of reinfection within three weeks
An anecdotal report from Reddit of someone who may have become reinfected with monkeypox within three weeks of his first infection, although an uncleared persistent infection is also a possibility. More...
Monkeypox: Infected by a kiss on the cheek, unimaginable pain, then my DOGS got lesions..
David Watson from California giving evidence on his recent experience with monkeypox – he caught it by kissing a friend on the cheek – his husband then became infected – then his TWO DOGS started showing lesions. More...
USA: Monkeypox detected In San Francisco wastewater
Researchers at the Sewer Coronavirus Alert Network (SCAN) have confirmed that samples of wastewater collected from a San Francisco treatment plant have traces of the Monkeypox virus. More...
USA: SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant spillover from human to horse
“A report on a possible direct exposure to SARS-CoV-2 from a COVID-19-positive individual to an adult horse.” More...
Los Angeles: Just 3 weeks between Covid infection and death
Of 102 deaths in Los Angeles County reported Thursday, 90% involved people who became ill with Covid-19 after Christmas, and 80% were among those who fell ill after New Year’s Day, indicating a high likelihood of Omicron infection, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said. More...
USA: Covid vaccine breakthrough in three more tigers
San Diego Zoo officials announced Wednesday that three of their Malaysian tigers have COVID-19, marking the first wildlife cases the organization has reported since vaccinating hundreds of animals this summer. More...
California: 159,253 vaccine breakthrough cases, 4,252 hospitalized, 622 deaths
Between January 01, 2021 and September 19, 2021 in California, out of over 23.5 million fully vaccinated individuals, 159,253 post-vaccination cases have been identified. More...
California: 112,000 vaccine breakthrough cases, 3,000 hospitalized, 306 deaths
The latest vaccine breakthrough figures for California make sobering reading, showing the extent of the vaccine breakthrough crisis now engulfing the state. More...
Symptomatic Delta Covid infection rate far higher in fully vaccinated healthcare workers
“..our data suggest that vaccine effectiveness against any symptomatic disease is considerably lower against the delta variant and may wane over time since vaccination.” More...