Category: BA.2.2
China: 50 SARS-CoV-2 sequences uploaded to Gisaid
Gisaid have published a report recently on fifty SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences uploaded by China which seems to have gone largely unnoticed by the mainstream media. More...
UK: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey, March 2022
The latest UK Office for National Statistics COVID-19 Infection Survey has just landed. More...
UK: It’s the largest Covid wave EVER *8 UPDATES*
Nearly two hundred and seventy thousand symptomatic cases recorded in a single day in Britain. More...
Hong Kong: Omicron BA.2 with S:I1221T mutation designated BA.2.2
The dominant BA.2 lineage in Hong Kong with the spike mutation at I1221T has been designated BA.2.2. More...
Hong Kong: Omicron BA.2 with S:I1221T mutation at 100% of recent sequences *6 UPDATES*
A catchup post looking at the BA.2 variant with mutation S:I1221T. More...