It’s the largest global Covid wave EVER
Driven by the new Omicron variant, the world is now being overwhelmed by the largest global Sars-CoV-2 wave EVER. The current winter wave is now larger than the Indian wave in spring 2021, and has also easily exceeded last winter’s global wave by some margin.
The word’s largest ever Covid wave is being driven by new cases in North America and Europe, just as the last winter wave of 2020-2021 was.
Unfortunately, just as the global media celebrates the new “milder” Omicron variant, the likely consequences of the emergence of the variant are being completely overlooked.
A simple extrapolation of the events of the last two years would suggest that the next Covid release could be the first ever Variant of High Consequence or VOHC.
A VOHC would be far more transmissible than Omicron, far more deadly than Delta, and it could be in circulation within weeks.
It is patently obvious that, even after two years of this pandemic, the world is COMPLETELY unprepared for what is coming.