Germany: One man, 217 Covid vaccinations
Lancet study: ‘Here, we report on a 62-year-old male hypervaccinated individual from Magdeburg, Germany, who deliberately and for private reasons received 217 vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 within a period of 29 months.’ More...
UK: MPs raise serious concerns about the MHRA regulation of Covid-19 vaccines *1 Update*
The UK Parliament’s Pandemic Response and Recovery Group (APPG) have called for an investigation into Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) today. More...
Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests Contain Highly Toxic Poison Sodium Azide
‘The vial in many rapid antigen kits includes the chemical Sodium Azide as a preservative agent. More...
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson roundtable discussion: Contamination of mRNA vaccines with DNA
The latest Covid roundtable discussion, chaired by Senator Ron Johnson, featuring 21 guest speakers. More...
Tucker Carlson: The vaccine interview with Steve Kirsch & Brett Weinstein
Have 17 million people died from Covid-19 vaccines?
Tucker Carlson interviews Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch about the latest disturbing Covid-19 vaccine information in a must-watch video. More...
Third U.S. embalmer corroborates existence of white fibrous clots in cadavers
Another U.S. embalmer has given evidence to confirm the existence of white fibrous clots in cadavers. More...
UK NHS healthcare workers launch group litigation against government for Covid-19 injuries received at work
UK NHS workers are preparing to take legal action against the British government for failing to protect them during the Covid-19 pandemic. More...
White fibrous clots found in at least 50% of all cadavers embalmed
Another interview by Dr John Campbell, and another Covid-19 bombshell. More...
Tucker Carlson interviews Dr Joseph Ladapo about DNA contamination of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines
The Tucker Carlson Network has released footage of an interview between Tucker Carlson and Dr Jospeh Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida, exploring the subject of DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. More...
British Prime Minister finally confronted about Covid vaccine adverse events
Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has found himself on the end of withering criticism over his government’s response to adverse events resulting from the Covid-19 vaccine rollout. More...