UK government poised to declare Delta coronavirus B.1.617 a Variant of Concern or VOC

The UK government is thought to have detected more than 40 clusters of the Indian Covid variant B.1.617 in the UK, and is on the verge of declaring it a “variant of concern”.


Hong Kong: 51 coronavirus infections on single flight from India

A genetic study of viral samples from infected passengers on a flight into Hong Kong later found to have a record number of Covid-19 cases will be undertaken to determine whether in-flight transmission or quarantine facilities were to blame, with implications on tighter protocols required to contain such spikes.  More...

India: B.1.617 now at 61% of coronavirus genome samples in Maharashtra – was ~20% just one month ago

The National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, has shared data with laboratories in Maharashtra showing that of 361 Covid-19 samples taken in Maharashtra from January to March and genome sequenced, 61% or 220 had the double mutation E484Q and L452R, now classified as B.1.617 lineage.  More...