The highest ever coronavirus daily case rates recorded on Planet Earth – and it’s not India or Brazil
The highest ever daily country case figure for coronavirus on Planet Earth was recorded in The Seychelles in May 2021. The Seychelles daily case figure, adjusted for population, reached an astonishing 4,083 cases per million.
What is also surprising is that many of the countries on the list with the highest daily case rates also have excellent vaccination rates (see below). The Seychelles, for example, has vaccinated more than 60% of its population.
The reasons behind some of the high daily case numbers are given in articles we have previously published and have linked to below.
Sweden’s daily coronavirus case rate far higher than Brazil or India
Sweden’s daily coronavirus case rate far higher than Brazil or India
Sweden’s daily coronavirus case rate far higher than Brazil or India
Sweden’s daily coronavirus case rate far higher than Brazil or India
Charts courtesy of