Tag: doctors
Spain: Healthcare workers should sacrifice themselves for the public good
A Spanish judge has ruled “health workers had the obligation to sacrifice their right to life and integrity, even without masks, for the benefit of the life and integrity of the rest of the population.” More...
USA: 233 San Francisco healthcare workers in vaccine breakthough outbreak
At least 233 staff members at two major San Francisco hospitals, most of them fully vaccinated, tested positive for the coronavirus this month. More...
NEJM: Vaccine breakthrough infections leading to long Covid
Among 1497 fully vaccinated health care workers, 39 SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections were documented. More...
UK: Matt Hancock coronavirus PPE – “we did manage to ensure that at a national level we had the PPE”
No we didn’t. #WeKnowYouAreLying
More...NHS Staff Using Bin Bags and Ski Goggles for #Coronavirus Protection.
France: 41 hospital doctors in open letter – “We will be obliged to triage patients in order to save as many lives as possible”
Open letter from 41 French hospital doctors to French government
“The Covid-19 epidemic is again in constant progression in all the Regions, and the Île-de-France is unfortunately found among the Regions on the front line. More...
In Milan, nine doctors and nurses test positive for coronavirus after the second dose of vaccine
Nine health workers have tested positive workers after receiving the second dose of the vaccine . More...
25% of health workers in Sörmland, Sweden, report side effects to Astrazeneca coronavirus vaccine
In Sörmland, Sweden, a total of 400 hospital employees received a dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine on Thursday. More...
Long Covid could claim up to 700 doctors in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland could lose up to 700 hospital doctors as a result of the pandemic, it has been warned. More...