Tag: Global
Global: Sars-COV-2 – a virus that oscillates between killing 5,000 to 20,000 a day for an entire year?
How is this graph even possible? For more than one year the global death toll for Sars-Cov-2 has oscillated between ~5,000 deaths a day to ~20,000 deaths a day creating a pattern that is almost ECG like in its uniformity. More...
The coronavirus global case fatality rate is rising after falling continuously since May 1st 2020
The Covid-19 global case fatality rate is now ticking upwards after falling continuously since May 1st 2020. More...
100 million coronavirus Cases, 2 million Covid-19 deaths
100 Million #Coronavirus Cases, 2 Million Deaths
The world has now surpassed 100 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus. More...
60 million confirmed coronavirus infections globally, and the rate is still increasing
There have now been more than 60,000,000 confirmed coronavirus infections globally and the infection rate is still increasing. More...