Category: Iceland
Europe: 2022 summer covid wave already larger than European winter wave of 2020
Despite an almost complete lack of Covid testing across Europe, case numbers in the current summer wave are already higher than last year’s summer wave of 2021, AND the winter wave of 2020. More...
ECDC & WHO: Joint statement on hepatitis in kids
The World Health Organisation have issued a joint statement with the ECDC on the recent cases of hepatitis in children. More...
Europe: Another huge Covid wave is building right across the continent
Almost every country in Europe is now seeing a big increase in Covid cases. More...
Pandemic high Covid infection numbers in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland
Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland have all surpassed their previous record highs for infections in the past week or so. More...
Europe: all-time Covid infection record broken by growing winter superwave
Europe has broken through its all-time high for Covid cases, and is seeing sharp increases in infections right across the continent. More...
Netherlands: 3 week Covid lockdown announced
In the Netherlands, a “mild” 3 week lockdown is announced. More...
Prediction: European Covid winter wave of 2021 will be the worst wave of the pandemic so far
This isn’t the most difficult prediction we have ever had to make, but there is no doubt that, despite huge vaccination campaigns across the continent, the winter wave now breaking over Europe will be their worst wave of the pandemic so far. More...
WHO: 500,000 deaths from Covid in Europe this winter
“The current pace of transmission across the 53 countries of the European Region is of grave concern,” said regional WHO head Hans Kluge. More...
Preprint: Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
“At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days. More...
Iceland: 61% vaccine breakthrough rate – 4,810 infections of which 2,940 are fully vaccinated
An update on the Covid-19 vaccine breakthrough rate in Iceland, which was at 70% of infections in early August. More...