Antibody resistance of coronavirus variants B.1.351 (SA) and B.1.1.7 (UK)

“Findings on B.1.351 [South Africa variant] are more worrisome in that this variant is not only refractory to neutralization by most NTD mAbs but also by multiple individual mAbs to the receptor-binding motif on RBD, largely owing to an E484K mutation.  More...

South Africa Has Found About 4,000 Covid-19 Reinfections with B.1.351 501Y.V2

South Africa confirms 4,000 reinfections due to B.1.351

The president of the South African Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Barry Schoub, reported this Wednesday that some 4,000 reinfections of coronavirus have already been registered in the country due to the mutation of one of its strains.
